Slave Narrative to the Black Lives Matter Movement
An examination tracing the evolution from the harrowing tales of slave narratives to the powerful messages of the Black Lives Matter movement. The essay will explore themes of systemic racism, resistance, and the fight for civil rights across centuries. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Bias topic.
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Black lives matter can be considered as an international movement, which has its origin in the African-American community. The primary objective of this movement is to campaign against systematic racism and violence towards the black people (Richardson, Elaine, and Alice 30). Most of these cases of violence and systematic racism were most evident among the slaves. Therefore, black lives matter movement was formed to help address some of the problems that slaves undergo. There were protests, which were held by the people forming the movement against police killings of the black people.
Other issues which they protest against were police brutality, racial profiling of racial inequality within the United States criminal justice system. Hence, the main aim of the paper is to compare the slave narrative to the black lives matter movement.
Slave narrative can be regarded as a literary work, which is composed of written accounts of enslaved Africans in Great Britain and its colonies including the recent ones such as Canada, the United States and the Caribbean (Thomas 20). There are accounts of narratives, which were given by the former slaves from North America in the 18th and 19th century. Additionally, there are about 150 slaves’ narratives, which have been published, and they are available in books of pamphlets. With the formation of black lives matters in the 21st century, there has been a new influence brought by social media, which helped to voice their concern (Richardson et al., 30). As a result, they managed to share their narratives with millions of people despite the challenges, which they faced such as abusive response, fake news and decentralization.
The slaves in the United States experience a number of racial injustices, which required a movement that would help to address such concern (Thomas 32). In the mind of the slaves prompted a question on what is a slave and the reason why it existed. The slaves asked amongst themselves how they would be able to survive in America. Among the slaves, there was no one who was willing to live in such an environment, which was prone to racial discrimination among other issues. They were forced to formulate strategies that would help address these issues, which affected their lives most. Eventually, there was the formation of a movement known as black lives matters, which help to create a favorable environment for most of the blacks all over the world (Richardson et al., 30).
The black lives matters movement ensures that they expose the narratives of colonist as false and this created another opportunity to bring new idea and perception among the people (Elliott 54). The racial bias of the colonist was being dismantled and this helped to eradicate their justification of dominance. Additionally, their systematic bias throughout American political policies was exposed and the American was brought close to social equality. This implies that those who were involved in slavery were using various strategies to justify their action, which only needed a voice to help end their evil deeds (Richardson et al., 30).
For a long period, African-Americans have been viewed as properties and not as second-class citizens (Thomas 22). Due to the treatment of this community in such manner, the white American community was brought to economic and political prosperity that raised them to a status of a world leader on both accounts (Elliott 54). Therefore, the whites benefited considerably from the services, which were being offered by African-American. When black lives matters were formed is helped to diffuse some of the justification, which was held by the colonist (De Genova 1769).
Black lives matter can be considered an international movement, which has its origin in the African-American community. The primary objective of this movement is to campaign against systematic racism and violence towards the black people. Slave narrative can be regarded as a literary work, which is composed of written accounts of enslaved Africans in Great Britain and its colonies including the recent ones such as Canada, the United States and the Caribbean. Eventually, the formation of a movement known as black lives matters helped to create a favorable environment for most of the blacks all over the world.

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Slave Narrative to the Black Lives Matter Movement. (2020, Jan 25). Retrieved from