The Institutional Racism
A critical examination of systemic racism, this essay delves into how societal structures, policies, and institutions perpetuate racial discrimination. It focuses on various sectors, including education, employment, and law enforcement, revealing the often subtle yet pervasive nature of institutional racism. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of Critical Race Theory topic.
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In today society there is several police brutality against black people, and it is governed by the behavioral norms which defined the social and political institution that support institutional systems. Black people still experience racism from people who think they are superior, it is a major problem in our society which emerged from history till date and it has influences other people mindset towards each other to live their dreams. In the educational system, staffs face several challenges among black students and white students in school which creates racism between both groups.
According to ( 2010) Black children lack any form of family structures. They are not taught respect for teacher or any authoritative figures. Most black children are disruptive, aggressive and are more knees on gang culture than getting an education. This shows how society views the black students as criminal even without any form of proofs.
In the education institutions the belief of one group is more superior to the other group creates a distance of interaction between the black students and their teacher in school. In High Schools and Elementary schools based on different color and race of teacher there is a gap in academic performance among students because there are more white teachers than the black’s teacher who teaches in schools and mostly schools enrolled more white students for talented programs than the black ones. According to Rita kohli Teacher of color are a small minority of the population of educators in the united states. Teachers influence the way black people feels that their attitudes are wrong due to the racisms that exist among them. Till date the mark of end slavery did not stop as the superior group still sees the minorities group as slaves individual. According to Kerry Burke, Middle School teacher single out black students and told them to lie on the floor for a lesson and stepped on their backs to show them what slavery felt like.
This report of how some teachers still sees blacks color as slaves in school. For minor misbehavior in schools black students are more likely to get arrested than the white students. Police brutality in schools is an act of misconduct, violence, mental and emotional forces that involves group of students. Specifically, most officers in school treat students the same way as people on the street, due to lack of training and handling students of color. Over the years several report of police brutality as been made but there have been no daily data of how students are been physically punished by the schools officers. According to Rebecca Klein Since September 2011, students have been Tapered or shot with a stun gun by school based on police officer at least one hundred and twenty times. This address the challenges students are facing with the school law enforcement. Due to student misbehaving in school, having police stationed everywhere is a concern and this implement the way police officers see black student as bad influences to others. The superior students in school are less arrested and jailed by the police, mostly the black students gets harmed by the police than been safe. There are more officers in the black schools and community which give them more opportunity to create unnecessary forces with the blacks students and get them arrested.
According to Lauren Camera Violence tears at the fabric of a school community and the long term effects can be devastating. Situation of violence between student of color and police officer is unacceptable regardless of what occur between them in school and the society. In Trump administration which is against blacks and immigrants people as allowed more racist among police force to brutalize the minority in the community. In the early 1970s scholars like Derrick Bell, Richard Delgado came up with a critical race theory which analyzes racism in the society. It was examined the institutions of society critically and challenges the centralize racism which intersect with the forms of oppression. Also, both the superior and minority groups in school can analyzed the problem of institutional racism and police brutality by been visible in greeting and knowing each other names in school. Teachers should always address the issue of racism in the society in schools and warned against the focus of individual attitudes and behaviors. The scholars analyzed the problem that the minorities should have a voice in identifying challenges and expose the privilege of the white in institutional process. The contradiction between the values changes both individual actions. Police brutality in school needs to stops the bias and taking action to change it.
In my research I study the role of racism and the perspectives of education among black’s students. In early years of every black’s students they experienced racial discrimination in school. Black’s people feels disempowering as police brutality and racism in school hurt many minorities’ students. Mostly the minority’s students lack behind in their career due to less experiences of teachers that taught them in school. According to Seth Freed Education is not Great Equalizer for Black Americans. This means good education gives opportunity for the white people to have a good career but the African Americans students does not have the same benefit. The problem of institutional racism and police brutality is a macro problem. During my research I found out till today there is still racial inequality in Education institutions. In conclusion, Racism is common in schools and people of color face several low expectations and a curriculum that benefits the superior groups. In the educational system racism students passes different negative message about their identity and culture, but as black people we need to believe in our value and culture. Police brutality is a major problem we need to tackle in our daily basis. So many lives had lost their life due the issue.

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The Institutional Racism. (2020, Feb 01). Retrieved from