My Ideal Career: Serving as an Army Officer with Honor and Integrity

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Doing something meaningful for my motherland and living with honour and integrity justifies being labeled as “ideal”. Hence, I have chosen to be an army officer as my career. An army officer once in a lifetime gets an opportunity to express his/her love for the country. Fighting against the mighty soldiers of a rival, struggling hard to protect his/her nation proves his/her impassionate patriotism. By doing this, an officer gains the honour and integrity necessary to live with.

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By embracing this career, I would devote my service to the public. I would protect my nationality from various threats and keep my home defense strong and intact.

Restoring the people’s rights, establishing and implementing laws and regulations in an unparalleled way, and upholding the grip of people’s faith and confidence would be my principal tasks towards the civilians. Choosing this career, I would prefer to be an honest servant of my country and its people. It is this honour of living that makes it specially “ideal”. This career would transform me into a different being. The sensation of my mothertongue and an intriguing spark of integrity allure and provoke me with robust patriotism. This career is not chosen for accruing wealth or gaining popularity, but rather where a person earns the honour of living and integrity to serve the country with discipline.

Choosing such a profession commands a lot of respect in society. The leafy baggy green cap and the camouflaged blend of green uniform have mesmerized me since my childhood. The bold look from my perspective, sense of nationality, and the feeling of confidence weaken the enemy on a battlefield. An army officer is looked upon as a messiah by the civilians. No matter how powerful a country may be, it’s powerless without its defense soldiers. While there are many careers that offer more money, power, and glamour, none command the respect and dignity of an army officer. All these are but transitory things, here today and gone tomorrow, but the status and service of an army officer do not diminish. On the other hand, if an officer practices his career nobly, his respect increases and multiplies with the passage of time.

The road to realizing my dream is not easy, and nor do I expect it to be. I would have to pass the competitive exams of a military academy before I could gain entry to cadet college. This is my dream, my ideal career, my aim in life, which I hope will come true one day. I shall leave no stone unturned to make this dream a reality, for I believe that our success and defeats are entirely within us.

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My Ideal Career: Serving as an Army Officer with Honor and Integrity. (2023, Feb 02). Retrieved from