Gender Inequality in the Workplace
This essay will examine the issue of gender inequality in the workplace. It will explore the various forms this inequality takes, such as wage gaps, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and discriminatory practices. The piece will discuss the root causes of gender inequality, including societal norms, unconscious bias, and structural barriers. It will also highlight the impact of this inequality on individuals and organizations and discuss efforts and strategies to promote gender equality in the workplace, including legislative measures, corporate policies, and grassroots activism. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Critical Theory.
How it works
Gender inequality in the workplace has been an ongoing issue for decades now. Men and women have never been on the same page when it comes to work. Women have always been known to be more of caregivers and men have been given the tougher tasks. Gender stereotypes have always played a major role in assigning women to lower paying and lower status jobs in comparison to men. Discrimination against women can occur in many ways throughout the workplace, such as, during recruitment, hiring, and even during employment.
For example, if a construction position were to open up, they would choose a male over a female to be the new employee since construction is more of a masculine job. Over the years, women have received more degrees, master’s degrees, and doctorate degrees than men. Yet, women in the U.S. workforce still earn less than a man with no degree would earn. Despite being more educated than men and making up nearly half of the workforce, women are promoted at work far less often than men would be. It is a proven fact that women make up less than 5 percent of CEOs, while men make up the rest of the 95 percent with far less knowledge than women have. It did not matter then and it does not matter now in this generation of people making it difficult for women to fulfill a ¨man’s¨ duty. With that being said, discrimination against women is attributing to gender identity in the workplace still to this day.
DEGGANS, JEROME. “Gendered Inequalities in the Workplace Revisited: Masculinist
Dominance, Institutionalized Sexism, and Assaultive Behavior in the #Metoo Era.” Contemporary Readings in Law & Social Justice, vol. 10, no. 2, July 2018, pp. 43–49. EBSCOhost, doi:10.22381/CRLSJ10220182.
This article reviews and advances existing literature concerning gendered inequalities in the workplace. With an audience of adults between the ages of 25-70 it uses information from many reliable resources. Among these are ABC news, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washington Post, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commision, and etc. Deggans begins by talking about his analyses that he has performed on the basis of helping women in the workplace. It brings discrimation in by talking about the sexaul harassment charges filed by industries. This was said to be an issue as to why women are denied professional opportunities. He says in this article that men have been ¨falsely¨ accused of sexual assault or have said that they do not want to work with a certain women.
This article is going to support what I am talking about by giving statements that agree with the fact that there is gender inequality in the workplace. In the line, ¨Gender inequalities are especially blatant in the workplace. For instance, on average women are more likely to work part-time, be employed in low-paid jobs and not take on management positions ¨(Deggans, para.3). This piece of information will work well in my essay by simply stating that women are known to take lower level jobs than men. Along with this piece of information comes a lot that is present throughout Jeromes article.
Kamal Nath, Akshaya. “Corporate Governance Case for Board Gender Diversity: Evidence from Delaware Cases.” Albany Law Review, vol. 82, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 23–119. EBSCOhost, score=site.
This article over court cases gives out an abundant amount of cases from delaware. DIrected towards anybody that has a case or has had a case and needs helping it, it separates each piece of information. Starts with the rationale for board gender diversity regulations talking about the difference between an equality case and a business case. Next header is called ¨Why corporate governance case¨. It just gives questions over what you should ask when in a court case over gender identity or how to answer questions asked. Next one talks about the delaware cases and why they are going to talk about them. Following that is a list of 6 cases. And then relevant studies that can be incorporated into the essay to give backup information over the many cases.
A lot of this information can be used in the essay in order to give factual information over my topic. I can use the cases, for example the one called, ¨in re del monte foods co. shareholders litigation¨ which was based in 2011. It explores the impediments to board monitoring and accesses merits of monitoring related arguments for board gender diversity. All of the cases are super valid to where the analysis offered insights into the functioning of members of the board and their interaction with management in which they were considered.
Scarborough, William J., et al. “Support of Workplace Diversity Policies: The Role of Race, Gender, and Beliefs about Inequality.” Social Science Research, vol. 79, Mar. 2019, pp. 194–210. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.01.002.
In this peer review journal called, ¨Support of Workplace Diversity Policies: The Role of Race, Gender, and Beliefs about Inequality¨ written by William J. Scarborough. It talks about the workplace diversity policies and how they are more effective when they are supported by managers and workers. They analyzed data from a survey experiment designed to assess public opinion about a range of workplace diversity policies. They examined how support for these policies among employed respondents varies by race, gender, and by the targeted population. All of their findings highlight the role of inequality beliefs in shaping workers support for diversity policies, suggesting directions for future research on how such beliefs are developed.
Much of the information in this can be used in my essay in support of the points I am going to be making. In this essay it says that, ¨Companies are pumping more money and devoting more energy than ever before into efforts to increase and support workplace diversity¨ (Scarborough, para.1). By saying this, Scarborough is proving that even though diversity in the workplace is bad now, it will not always be that way. Information to back this up is present all throughout the peer review journal in ways that will make the essay stand factual.
“There’s a ‘Gender Earnings Gap’ but ‘Paying Women Well’ Won’t Close It.” AEI,
In the article titled, ¨ There really is no ‘gender wage gap.’ There’s a ‘gender earnings gap’ but ‘paying women well’ won’t close that gap¨, written by Carpe Diem goes against what my point is. It talks about the wage gap and pay between women and men in certain jobs. It starts by saying that men and women do slightly different jobs just because that’s what they choose to do, but if they did the same job then they would get paid the same. It then says It’s an important, but overlooked point that there really is no gender wage gap, rather, there’s a gender earnings gap and that pay gap has almost nothing to do with gender discrimination. That is, there is almost no evidence that men and women working in the same position with the same background, education and qualifications are paid differently. Having them doing the exact same jobs, but saying that men will get more money is completely against the law.
An abundant amount of the information in this will help out my article. I could use the line, ¨Therefore, if the goal is to close the gender earnings gap, Sandberg’s solution to start paying women well will fail – men and women are both getting paid well when they both work in the same position and have the same job qualifications¨ (Diem, para.10). This supports it by simply saying that the gender earnings gap will never change and their will always be discrimination in the workplace. Much of the information will be good in supporting an opposition side to gender identity in the workplace going against women.
Verniers, Catherine, and Jorge Vala. “Justifying Gender Discrimination in the Workplace: The Mediating Role of Motherhood Myths.” PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 1–23. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0190657.
The article, ¨Justifying gender discrimination in the workplace¨ written by Catherine Verniers and Jorge Vala is one that will support my essay very well. It talks about the issues of gender inequality in employment and how it has rose in policies and in advanced industrial countries. It then goes on to talk about how they were all aimed at tackling gender discrimination regarding the recruitment process, salary between men and women, and promotion. But still gender inequalities in the workplace still continue to occur. In Verniers and Valas research they documented the psychosocial process involved in the persistence of gender discrimination against women in the workplace. With all of their research and documentations they succeeded in making an article over why women stand out in the workplace over men.
This agreeing article supports the claim by giving valid information such as the sentence, ¨There is evidence that gender inequalities in the workplace stem, at least in part, from the discrimination directed against women. Indeed, several studies have documented personal discrimination against women by decision makers¨ (Verniers, par.3). It also has an abundant amount of other information that can fully support what I am going to talk about such as the information listed in paragraphs two and three giving facts over gender identity.
Dellinger, Kirsten, and Christine Williams. Gender and Sexuality in the Workplace: Research in the Sociology of Work Vol 20. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2010.
In the book Gender and Sexuality in the workplace written by Christine Williams and Kirsten Dellinger, gender inequality in the workplace is portrayed in such a way that makes women seem like nothing in comparison to men. It is directed towards women over the age of 25 that feel like they are not getting treated fairly compared to men in the workplace. The book talks about how at one point women were actually getting paid more than men, but instead of rewarding them, it was reported as a problem. It then goes to talking about the different jobs that men and women concentrate in. Along with that is the feminist revolution of of the 1990s transforming the understanding of men’s power in society. This book also tries to get its readers to understand that women are just as powerful as men if you give them a chance to be so.
This book will help in the claim by giving information such that, ¨women developed so called feminine qualities… because they were trapped in jobs where they were required to be submissive, solicitous, and nurturing… put a man in such a job and he too would develop these qualities¨ (Kirsten, Williams, para.5). This piece of information would play a huge part in the essay by giving good ground on the fact that there is discrimination because people do not think that women would fit the criteria of a masculine like job. There are also cases listed in the book that will give proof that there is such thing as gender stereotypes in the workplace still to this day.”
Gender Inequality in the Workplace. (2021, Feb 24). Retrieved from