Effectively Solving Society’s Criminality
How it works
Has one ever wondered if the person standing or sitting next to them has the potential to be a murderer or a rapist? What do those who are victimized personally or have suffered from a tragic event involving a loved-one or someone near and dear to their heart, expect from the government? Convicted felons of this nature and degree of unlawfulness should be sentenced to death. Psychotic killers and rapists need the ultimate consequences such as the death penalty for the unlawful crimes they have committed, and they should be judged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their criminality.
Utilizing the death penalty in our civilization is necessary; it reduces the overly populated jails and prisons, and it gives comfort to the victim and/or victim’s suffering family members.
First, knowing the past of the death penalty is important. This brutal action has been around since the 16th Century BC. In the 16th Era BC Egypt, a demise penalty act was well-organized intended for affiliates of dignity, who were defendants of mystic actions (Dwankowski). These people had to sacrifice their own lives for their wrong-doings. The ones who were not noble were put to death by a stick with a sharp medal edge attachment (Burns). The first recorded death penalty act by a firing squad was claimed to occur in the British Colony of Jamestown, Virginia in the year of 1608. The individual that was put to death went by the name of Captain George Kendall. Kendall was caught spying for the Spanish government, which ended up in him being hung in the gallows alongside others during the early 1600’s and 1700’s (Dwankowski). During the 18th era BC, King Hammurabi from Babylon made a program which decided the decease consequence for twenty-five diverse delinquencies, though killing did not apply to these (Burns). In the beginning of the 19th Century, the act to abolish the Death Penalty was perceived in numerous states as a result of the “Jacksonian era”. This era done away with the gallows because it was not considered humane. The people of this century wanted a more humane treatment for criminals. After this era capital crimes reduced, and state penitentiaries were built to hold the criminals since they were no longer being executed (Dwankowski). The North was the first to depreciate the percentage use of the death penalty, where as the southern states were still for the practice of the legalized killing. Hostility towards the demise moment diminished in the time of the Civil War due to major battling between the North and South (Dwankowski).
The capital punishment has been controversial since the period of Jesus Christ. Implementations can be verified during the 1600’s to present times. Around the 1620’s the performances enlarged yearly in the United States. The percentages consistently enlarged up to the 1930’s (News Batch). However, the death sentence decreased to nothing during the 1970’s, then began to rapidly increase again. Citizens of the United States began to argue that the judicial murder was unauthorized or unofficial because it was thought to be “painful and uncommon” chastisement (Amnesty International). Throughout the era 2000, only one hundred implementations took place in the United States, statistically showing that Americans were beginning to disagree with this form of punishment (News Batch).
The initial lawful implementations that occurred in the United States were through the Revolutionary War in contrast to Great Britain. British militias dangled the first individual, Nathan Hale, who was ordered to perish by the death warrant for spying (Farrell). Individuals say that directing the killers to demise row is cold-hearted since these individuals have a right to living. This saying is very double standard. These tainted individuals did not show mercy to their victims, so mercy should not be granted in return (Farrell).
Congestion of prisons and jails continues to become an economic hardship for our country. Some speak that overcrowding is problematic, nonetheless building additional detention centers and prisons will resolve this situation. Building new correctional facilities may resolve some problems, but not the economic hardships bestowed upon cities, counties, and the United States (Death Penalty Information Center). It has also proven to be an easy punishment for criminal violators. The capital punishment successfully halts demanding further currency from law abiding citizens and taxpayers. Incarcerated detainees get three prepared meals a day, do very little work throughout the day, and they are assured a place to rest their head, all at the expense of the taxpayers. Murders scheduled to be on decease row do not merit a warm or dry residence to break.
The offenders awaiting to receive punishment vary in race, culture, and gender. The nationwide execution line populace is 3,525, split with 3,477 males and forty-eight females. Race and culture are much more varied. According to statistics from 2003, approximately 1,600 whites, 1,400 blacks, 340 Latinos, forty Native Americans, forty-one Asians and one unknown, were on demise row (death row statistics). The over-all implementations from 1976 is 875, which appear to be an extreme amount, but in complete realism, it is an insignificant amount associated to the 3,535 convicts still on decease row (Farrell). Nevertheless of their nationality, gender, cultural, or social status, murderers should be executed if they have committed a murder. The astounding numbers previously mentioned show that all races can be placed on death sentence, so there should be no apprehension of termination.
Many researchers may make the statement that the death penalty act is useless and does not even help because the amount of people being executed is too little. One huge way the death penalty helps is that families no longer have to live in fear of that murderer (CNN.com). They also can obtain a peace in knowing that justice was served fairly and equally. A prime example was Timothy McVeigh whenever he committed murder. He killed seventy-six people and injured over 600. It was considered one of the country’s deadliest acts of terrorism up until the attacks of September 11. After almost six years Timothy McVeigh was put to death by lethal injection (CNN.com).
In the year of 2002, there were almost 1,500 criminals executed in thirty countries, and about 3,000 criminals were put to death in sixty-six countries. Also, eighty percent of these deaths happened in Iran, the United States, and China (Farrell). These statistics are just the ones for 2002 and it appears that the quantity of criminals implemented throughout this period was an enormous amount. The capital punishment is cutting down the number of prisoners receiving the death penalty. There is no motive for anyone to trust that this action is not solving illegal problems in many countries today. Although there is not an enormous amount, it can be statistically proven that the decrease in the amount of criminality is in fact significant (Justice for All).
The death penalty not only extends relief, leaving friends and families worry free, but also prepares a country’s justice system with the armor needed to serve and protect. How could anyone agree with taking the legalized killing out of society? If the capital punishment was taken out of society there would be an infinite number of murderers living amongst innocent civilians. Without the death penalty there is no severe punishment for those who think that killing or raping an innocent individual is no big deal. The death penalty is not used enough in the world today. The death penalty should be used more forcefully and efficiently than it is in current times. If the death penalty was used more forcefully the crime rates would most likely decrease dramatically. In today’s world there are so many against the act, that enforcing the death penalty more successfully is completely out of the question. In the Bible, God says that individuals should support and go by the regulation. (Holy Bible). In the upcoming numerous complications may be mended and considerably eliminated by keeping and enforcing the death penalty rather than abolishing it. If the death penalty is ever abolished the world as we know it will be an even worse place to live. The crime rates will rapidly increase, death would increase dramatically, and families all over the world will be frightened by criminals who are care free. In order to uphold a strong and powerful nation the death penalty percentages must grow. The death penalty will keep hope and safety for those living in fear.
Works Cited
- Amnesty International. “The Death Penalty.” The Death Penalty. 22 Oct. 2003 http://web.amnesty.org/pages/deathpenalty_index_eng.
- Burns, Kari Sable. “Death Penalty.” KariSable.com. 27 Oct. 2003 http://www.karisable.com/crpundeath.htm.
- CNN.com. “Timothy McVeigh Dead”. 11 June 2001. 14 Nov. 2003 http://www.cnn.com/2001/LAW/06/11/mcveigh.01/index.html.
- Death Penalty Information Center. “Death Penalty Info.” Death Penalty Information Center. 21 Oct. 2003 http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/.
- Death Penalty Information Center. “The History of the Death Penalty.” Death Penalty Information Center. 21 Oct. 2003 http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article.php?did=199&scid=15.
- Dwankowski , Carol. “The Death Penalty – A Brief History.” Engelsk – NDLA, 14 Nov. 2018, ndla.no/en/subjects/subject:23/topic:1:184990/resource:1:103196.
- The Holy Bible
- Farrell, Mike. “Death Penalty.” Death Penalty Focus. 22 Oct. 2003 http://www.deathpenalty.org/facts/other/facts_statistics.shtml.
- Justice For All. “Pro-Death Penalty.” Pro-Death Penalty. 22 Oct. 2003 http://www.prodeathpenalty.com/Resources.htm.

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Effectively Solving Society's Criminality. (2019, Jan 08). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/effectively-solving-societys-criminality/