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How to Write a Narrative Essay: Tips and Techniques

Written by Sarina Jones
Posted: May 8, 2022
Last update date: June 12, 2024
12 min read

If you are assigned to work on writing a narrative paper in college or high school, it is a good opportunity to train your skills in storytelling and show your knowledge and understanding of a subject. For many students, these essays are much more exciting than other written works. You demonstrate a specific event or episode and its results from your point of view, as a story, which helps you and your readers be more involved in the process than usual.

Before writing a narrative essay, you should look for a topic that can help you do your best. This only works if it is familiar to you and you can talk about it for hours with interest and passion. Why is it important? If you pick a personal narrative idea that is not very exciting for you, it will be difficult to build a good narrative essay on it simply because you will have to force yourself to do it.

What Is A Narrative Essay?

A narrative essay definition may vary in different universities and schools. As a rule, it describes a text that is used to tell a story and that allows you to share your personal experience in an engaging manner. This type of essay often receives more attention because people enjoy stories, which makes it an effective way to communicate ideas and emotions.

In a narrative essay, you are the narrator who recalls past experiences or discusses future plans. It may also describe a hypothetical scenario.


The primary purpose is to offer insight into who you are, highlighting your values and characteristics. It also demonstrates your writing skills, including formatting, sentence structure, and word choice, emphasizing your ability to engage readers while sharing personal details.

In academic settings, students write narrative essays for various reasons:

  1. For class assignments: Teachers often ask students to write narrative essays based on specific prompts.
  2. To qualify for awards: Schools may ask students to write a narrative essay to show why they deserve an award. For example, a student nominated for a leadership award might describe their role in a community project.
  3. For scholarships: Scholarship committees often ask for narrative essays where students explain their dedication to a field of study and their future goals.

Most narrative essays need a clear structure, a compelling story, and adherence to standard guidelines. It is important to find inspiration, know the teacher’s specific requirements, and follow these guidelines closely. Adding personal insights and unique experiences can make the essay more engaging.

The Narrative Essay and the Short Story: Key Differences

This type of essay and the short story have some similarities and differences. It’s important to understand what structures the two have so your own piece of work sticks to the required format.

You’ll have to rely on facts when writing a narrative essay for a college or university assessment. Your writing should give the reader a clear summary of what happened. You’ll also have to stick to a word count, if there is one, and follow the general narrative essay structure that markers are looking for. A thesis statement in the opening section should summarise your paper’s key argument.

As for a short story, this is fictional, and what happens is the product of the writer’s imagination. It doesn’t require a thesis statement, and its structure is much more fluid than a narrative essay. There’s no set way to approach one and you can be as creative as you like with the content.

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Guidelines for Writing a Narrative Essay

  1. Consider the topic

You should be able to weave your truth into a story that matters. A strong narrative essay tells a story you care about and are eager to share. Choose a subject that highlights your strengths and captures the interest of your audience. For instance, focus on your academic successes or your dedication to community work.

For example, if you are asked to describe a time you learned something important, think of a moment that had a profound effect on you. This approach will allow you to provide detailed and meaningful insights into your narrative.

  1. Read narrative essay examples

Examine various narrative essay examples to understand how to write a narrative essay. When you read different samples, you see how others structure their essays, develop their plots, and use descriptive language. This can give you ideas for your own writing and help you learn effectively. Seeing how others express their personal experiences can inspire you. It also gives a clearer picture of what a well-written narrative essay looks like.

The more you read them, the more you’ll be able to create a well-developed plot. You can also watch video presentations in which other persons describe their experience as it helps to learn how to present your thoughts appropriately.

  1. Double-check the provided requirements.

When you get such an assignment, you should be provided with some guidelines and requirements. If not, you can always request more details from your teacher.

What Makes a Good Narrative Essay?

A good narrative essay should draw readers in, tell them a story that leaves an impression on them and finish with a definitive conclusion. It includes all the familiar elements of a story without being as long as one. It should also let the reader know what you make of the story and your thoughts about it.

What’s also crucial is the structure and format of a narrative essay. These make your work presentable and readable.

Steps in the writing process

Here are the steps to follow in the writing process, which will guide you on how to write a narrative essay successfully:

  1. Start writing with the draft

Writing a good story from start to finish is difficult without proper planning. This is why you should create a narrative essay outline and draft first. Break down your story into key points, organize them logically, and ensure each part flows smoothly into the next. After outlining, draft your essay and refine it until it meets all the requirements.

This step-by-step approach helps you stay focused and clear. Many people, including famous writers, use this method. It allows you to identify weak spots, add necessary details, and enhance your narrative. Revising multiple times ensures your final essay is polished and engaging.

Topic: Betrayal in Friendship
  • A. Hook
  • B. Background
  • C. Thesis
  • A. Start with an engaging opening about betrayal in friendship.
  • B. Provide context about the friendship and the betrayal.
  • C. Clearly state the main idea, focusing on the impact and lessons learned.
Description of Betrayal
  • A. Setting
  • B. Friendship Overview
  • C. Betrayal Event
  • A. Describe the situation and setting of the friendship.
  • B. Explain the nature of the friendship before the betrayal.
  • C. Detail the event of betrayal and its immediate impact.
Emotional Response
  • A. Initial Reaction
  • B. Emotional Turmoil
  • C. Coping Mechanisms
  • A. Share your initial thoughts and feelings.
  • B. Discuss the emotional struggle that followed.
  • C. Describe how you managed and coped with the emotions.
Rebuilding Trust
  • A. Reflection
  • B. Actions Taken
  • C. Trust Restoration
  • A. Reflect on the process of understanding the betrayal.
  • B. Describe the steps you took to address the situation.
  • C. Highlight efforts to rebuild trust or move forward.
Personal Growth and Lessons
  • A. Lessons Learned
  • B. Changes in Perspective
  • C. Positive Outcomes
  • A. Reflect on the lessons you learned from the betrayal.
  • B. Discuss how your perspective on friendship changed.
  • C. Show the positive outcomes and personal growth that resulted.
  • A. Recap
  • B. Thesis Reminder
  • C. Closing Thought
  • A. Summarize the main points of the essay.
  • B. Reinforce the main takeaway about betrayal and friendship.
  • C. End with a thoughtful or memorable statement.
  1. Write in first-person

Use the first-person perspective in your narrative essay. This means using pronouns like “I,” “me,” and “we” to tell your story. Writing in first-person helps make your narrative more personal and engaging. It allows readers to connect with your experiences and see the story through your eyes. Be honest and open about your thoughts and feelings to illustrate your journey.

3. Storyline elements:

Most stories contain elements as the description, plot, characters, setting, and other components. These help each text attract the readers’ attention and make them think about it. Make sure your narrative story contains all these elements and is written in accordance with all standards of English grammar and proofreading.

  • Plot: A narrative essay needs a clear and organized plot at its foundation. Start with an engaging introduction that grabs attention, then build up events to a peak moment of tension or conflict, and finally, resolve the story. The plot should illustrate a significant event or experience, offering a lesson or insight to the reader.


  • Characters: Characters bring your narrative to life. They do not always have to be people; they can be abstract concepts or objects with significant roles in the story. Each character should have distinctive traits that add depth and move the story forward.
  • Setting: The setting provides the backdrop for your narrative. It adds context and helps build the atmosphere. A well-described setting can create suspense and enhance the overall impact of the story.
  • Theme: Each narrative essay needs a core theme or message. Whether clear or subtle, this theme should be integrated into the story to provide it with meaning and direction.
  • Dialogue: Adding dialogue helps make your characters more believable and brings your narrative to life. Make sure the dialogue fits the context and reveals the characters’ traits and motivations.
  • Conflict: Conflict is important for creating tension and moving the story along. It might be a personal struggle or a clash between characters. By the end, the conflict should be resolved, leading to personal growth or a new understanding.
  • Clear Writing: Ensure your essay is written clearly and adheres to English grammar and proofreading standards. This will make your story easy to follow and understand.
  1. The point of view. Readers and listeners should clearly understand your role in the story, which is why it is so important to let them know all the details of the described event, as well as the explanation of your behavior in a particular situation.
  2. Proving and supporting. You should not only show your opinion but also give arguments that support it. You can provide readers with any facts and references that showcase your thoughts and the results of your conclusions.
  3. Do not give details that don’t mean anything to your story. They make your essay too wordy and can confuse readers. To determine whether specific details are needed, find out if they have significant roles in the plot.
  4. Clear writing. Use simple words and appropriate language in the text. The clearer your readers understand what you are telling them, the better their feedback will be and keep in mind that some things that are clear to you can be ambiguous to your readers so you should check your text before you hand it in.
  5. Describe events chronologically. As a rule, such papers are created in proper chronological order in order to avoid confusion and allow everyone who reads it to follow the author’s thoughts easily and with interest.
  6. Revise your essay. Check it for grammar and plagiarism, rewrite sentences that don’t sound well, and don’t hesitate to ask for advice from your friends, there are also many services that can help you with revising and editing your narrative essay.
  7. Highlight the most crucial moments. Keep in mind that you will have to highlight the most significant arguments or facts to help your readers identify them and easily understand their role in the story, as well as their influence on the outcome.


Crafting a compelling narrative essay that effectively communicates your point and captivates the reader can be a valuable skill to acquire. If you’re struggling with the process, you can always seek the help of an essay writer from Papersowl.com. With their expertise and guidance, you can create an engaging narrative essay that shares your unique experiences and insights with the audience.

Common Narrative Essay Types

There are multiple types of narrative essays. Most college and university assignments require your work to be factual. Your work will be fictional for some courses, such as creative writing. You’ll find some of the main types below:

  • Factual. When writing a factual (or nonfiction) narrative essay, you retell real-life events for others. You’ll look at evidence from one or more sources to put the story together.
  • Fictional. For fictional narrative essays, you can be creative and develop any story you want. Since it’s for an academic assignment, it should still have some purpose and meaning.
  • Autobiographical. An autobiographical essay involves writing down a story you’re directly involved in. This is a factual piece of academic writing where you’re sharing with the reader something you’ve experienced. If you want, you’ll use the first person and can inject your telling of the story with thoughts and opinions.

Types of Narrative Writing

When thinking of how to start an essay for college, you should try to decide on the writing you’ll be using. Below are some types to consider:

  1. Linear. When taking a linear approach to the writing, you’ll describe the story’s events in the order they happened. One event will follow from the previous one and lead into the next one.
  2. Non-linear. Should you take a non-linear approach, you’ll tell the story’s events out of sequence. This may include flashbacks or even flashforwards.
  3. Quest. Some stories are a sequence of events and characters reacting to these. Others are more like a quest where a person actively tries to complete a goal, which becomes their entire purpose.
  4. Viewpoint. With a viewpoint type of narration, the main character narrates the events from their point of view. Instead of just about the plot, it’s just as much about the narrator’s opinions, ideas, and feelings.
  5. Descriptive. For this type of narrative writing, you should be very descriptive and use vivid details. Readers should be able to picture the story’s setting and visualize what the characters in it look like.

Your story should make sense, whatever type of narrative writing you choose. The paragraphs should connect in a clear and logical way. If you choose a non-linear style, the reader should be able to tell that the events aren’t in the right order.

If you’re stuck on how to write a narrative paragraph, remember that it should be concise. It should also connect with the one before and after it. Your work ideally won’t have any blocks of text that stand out or are separate from the rest of the writing. For your essay to read well, there should be links from one paragraph to the next.

How Long Should it Be?

Before jumping into writing narrative essays and thinking about how many paragraphs should be in it, there are 2 rules to follow. #1: as long as your professor asked you. #2: as short and informative as you can make it. Semi-jokes aside, you need to write enough to fully unpack the topic and create an engaging story with a relevant structure that the audience will love.

Structure of the Narrative Essay

  • Introduction. Take it as a warm-up for the audience and give them the main idea of what is that story about. 3-5 sentences are the standard.
  • Main Body. Collect every supportive argument for your story and logically place them. Remember: every new idea is a new paragraph. 3-5 blocks will do no wrong.
  • Conclusion. Even the open ending is a conclusion of a sort. This is the part where you sum up and prove what you claimed in the introduction. 3-5 well-arranged sentences are all you need to succeed.
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Guidelines for Writing a Narrative Essay

If you want to know how to write a good narrative essay, we will explain the most important guidelines in this video. Use our tips to understand better how to write narrative essays:

How to Format a Narrative Essay?

The format of a narrative essay should be professional and adhere to academic standards. Here are some key formatting guidelines:

  • Use one of the APA 7th edition-approved fonts.
  • Double-space your text.
  • Maintain one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Indent the beginning of each paragraph by half an inch.
  • Do not add extra spacing between paragraphs.
  • Include a cover page.
  • Add a header with the page number.

The exact type of format you use will depend on your college or university. Some institutions have a set formatting style that all academic writing submissions must follow. Make sure to check and adhere to these specific guidelines.

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