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How to Write an Informative Essay

Posted: April 13, 2021
Last update date: February 5, 2024
8 min read

As a student, having informative essay writing skills will come in handy in school and working environments. This writing process requires an author to provide readers with information on an occurrence, subject, idea, company, or thing. But using an approach to express an opinion or convince a reader in such an essay is not a good idea.

Although it is similar to narrative essay writing, composing an informative essay demands critical thinking and credible research. And we will show you briefly how to write an informative essay successfully in this article. But first, let’s determine what an informative essay signifies.

What is an Informative Essay?

When dealing with an informative essay, you should know its main features. The purpose of an essay is not to persuade an audience by adding interesting information. Instead, its focus is on educating a reader on a specific topic by offering a how-to, analyzing data, and comparing controversial viewpoints about a particular topic.

In addition, other types of essays can be very similar to informative ones. And it is crucial to differentiate them and point out their specific features.

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Variations of an Informative Essay

In academic practice, many essays can also be classified as informative. It happens because they have the same goal: to communicate information with audiences. They include the following:

  • Expository Essay
  • Narrative Essay
  • Cause-and-Effect Essay
  • Process Essay
  • Compare-and-Contrast Essay
  • Descriptive Essay
  • Problem-Solution Essay

1. Expository Essay

This essay type is almost identical to informative essays. Their similarity lies in their purpose—to provide readers with information. However, while writing an expository essay, you must add supporting evidence to explain specific points, which goes beyond providing readers with information.

2. Narrative Essay

A narrative essay aims to inform readers about a specific topic comprehensively. Typically, such an essay is used to uncover a single theme. A narrative essay is informative, as it is not focused on convincing the audience about a point.

3. Cause-and-Effect Essay

This essay focuses on describing how the cause of a thing occurs and what effect it might result on another thing. Therefore, it is considered informative if it discloses the main idea of the similarities connecting two things. However, this essay must determine a cause or effect. It is also considered an argumentative essay.

4. Process Essay

The name of a process essay tells itself. It is used to uncover a detailed description of an operational mechanism of something. That’s why it is also considered informative. While writing this type of essay, you must clarify each step comprehensively.

5. Compare and Contrast Essay

Compare and contrast essay focuses on differentiating and highlighting the likenesses between multiple subjects. In other words, it could be either an argumentative or informative essay depending on the essay’s motive. For instance, “The similarities and differences between football and basketball” is an informative essay. On the other hand, “Why is football better than basketball?” is an argumentative essay.

6. Descriptive Essay

In a descriptive essay, you need to provide an accurate description of a topic’s object. It can be everything: a situation, a particular person, an occasion, and so on. While writing a descriptive essay, you must make it realistic enough to capture the reader’s imagination. This essay could either be written to give information or with an eventual objective.

7. Problem-Solution Essay

Such an essay aims to examine a suggested problem and offer several solutions. This essay is informative when you provide several solutions to a raised issue. However, you will need to apply specific writing tools to convince a reader that one solution is superior to the rest.

Thus, all the types of essays mentioned above are informative because of their nature to provide some information. Of course, what format of the message is used in each kind is another topic for discussion. But if you prefer writing a persuasive essay, you can approach our service and receive an excellent piece of writing.

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Select your Topic

Writing an informative essay starts with defining a topic. It is challenging to select a topic, as this essay’s type must be original, impressive, and meaningful. With this in mind, you should pick a topic that can explain new aspects of known phenomena or innovative approaches used in various life spheres.

Where to Get Informative Essay Ideas?

To ensure you have enough to write about and your paper will be interesting, it’s important to farm out some ideas. Reading the news is a great place to start generating some perspectives for an informational topic. Newsworthy topics will be of current interest and can be in many subjects. This will help you apply what you see in the real world to the theoretical work you’re putting together. You may also browse some popular sites such as Quora or Reddit to see the burning questions. In our digital age, a wealth of information is available to anyone with an Internet connection.

Good Informative Essay Topics

So now that we’ve sourced some methods of digging up a good idea, we need to determine which one is best. First, you want to ensure enough information is available for research. If your topic is too narrow or outdated, you’ll have trouble finding credible sources to give weight to your position. On the other end, if your topic is too broad, you won’t be able to dive into specifics to present anything worthwhile.

I, Pencil: My Family Tree as Told to Leonard E. Read (L. Read, 1958). In this informational topic, the simple process of making a pencil significantly influenced the leading economists of the day. Analyzing the ways and means we do things, no matter how basic, can bring much value to the academic community.

If you feel a lack of fresh ideas and need essay help, we gathered some topic examples for you:

Informative Essay Topics on Education

  1. Educational Disparities among Black and Hispanics
  2. Federal Judge Struck Down a North Carolina School’s Policy
  3. Four Components of Developing Successful Reading Skills
  4. Funds For College Tuition
  5. Gender Discrimination Scandal at Tokyo Medical University
  6. Gender-Based Violence Between Students
  7. Hate Speech Debate and Discussion
  8. History and Effectiveness of Homeschooling
  9. Homeschooling in the United States of America
  10. Homeschooling Trend and Future Outlook
  11. How To Become a Chef After Growing Up Nowadays
  12. Industrial Facilities
  13. The Gig Economy
  14. The Impact of Inclusion and Equal Opportunity Policies
  15. The Rise of Remote Work

Informative Essay Topics on Society

  1. Racism Around the World
  2. Racism: Pipelines, Geography, and Geology
  3. Is Racism Still a Current Issue in America
  4. The Definition of Racism
  5. International and U.S Helping IIlegal Immigration
  6. Does Illegal Immigration Impact Texas?
  7. We’re Going to Build the Wall, We Have no Choice
  8. Illegal Immigration And Crime
  9. Cyberbullying Laws
  10. Cyberbullying: A Growing Problem
  11. Cyberbullying and 13 Reasons Why
  12. Reducing School Gun Violence in New Mexico
  13. Mental Health Screenings and the Effect on Gun Violence
  14. Why Gun Violence Increasing
  15. Police Brutality Against Black Communities

Informative Essay Topics on Persons

  1. Barack Obama: His Life and Career
  2. The most iconic rulers of Egypt
  3. President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
  4. Nikola Tesla: Electrical Engineering
  5. Elon Musk’s Influence
  6. About Donatello Michelangelo
  7. The Leadership Style of Mahatma Gandhi
  8. The Impact of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech
  9. Examining the Symbolism and Feminist Themes in Frida Kahlo’s Artwork
  10. Steve Jobs’s Innovative Vision and Contribution to the Technology Industry
  11. The Legacy of Marie Curie
  12. The Psychological Profile of Sigmund Freud
  13. Analyzing Oprah Winfrey’s Influence on Media, Philanthropy, and Empowerment
  14. Ernest Hemingway’s Writing Style
  15. The Philosophy of Aristotle

Informative Essay Topics on History

  1. A History of Slavery in the United States
  2. The Reformation Evangelicalism and the British Anti-Slavery Movement
  3. Why Did the Holocaust Happen?
  4. The U.S. Government’s Disregard of the Jewish Holocaust
  5. The Minie Ball Shaped
  6. Cases Of Unlawful Killings
  7. Role of Technology in The American Civil War
  8. Slavery Is An Established Social Institution
  9. Carlos Castillo Overthrew Democrat
  10. The Civil War Was The Deadliest
  11. The Syrian Civil War
  12. The Battle of Gettysburg Changed Everything
  13. The Industrial Era
  14. Industrial Revolution Evolved In Britain
  15. The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society

Informative Essay Topics on Business

  1. The Disney and Fox Merger
  2. The Ins and Outs of “The Happiest Place on Earth”
  3. Planning A Trip to Disney
  4. About The Walt Disney Company
  5. Starbucks Brewing Digital Transformation
  6. History Of Starbucks
  7. What Do We Know About Starbucks
  8. Netflix Converted Itself From a DVD
  9. Spotify Hulu Bundle vs. Netflix
  10. General Motors – Largest American Automobile Manufacturer
  11. Successful Business of Apple Company
  12. Board of Directors for Apple Company
  13. Apple is One of the Biggest Companies on the Planet
  14. Apple Inc. Company History
  15. General Overview Of Apple Company

Informative Essay Topics on Government

  1. The History of Brown vs. The Board of Education Topeka
  2. Homosexuality In Modern Day Society
  3. Same-Sex Marriage – Statistics
  4. In the 1950s-1960s, African Americans Have Been Striving and Struggling
  5. Acts After French and Indian War
  6. Child Labor in the US
  7. Equal Society in the United States
  8. The Significance and Legacy of Brown vs. Board of Education
  9. The Evolution of LGBTQ+ Rights
  10. The Legalization and Impact of Marriage Equality
  11. The Civil Rights Movement
  12. The Consequences of the French and Indian War
  13. The Impact of Disinformation in the Digital Age
  14. Towards an Equal Society
  15. The Role of Government in Climate Change Mitigation

Informative Essay Topics on Politics

  1. U.S Imperialism
  2. America’s Imperialism
  3. Immigration and Donald Trump’s Lies
  4. Donald Trump’s First Year in Office
  5. The Election of Barack Obama
  6. Border Wall: Good for the Country
  7. Gaining Independence
  8. Arawaks and Maroons
  9. The Rise of Populism
  10. The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns
  11. The Role of Lobbying and Interest Groups in Shaping Policy
  12. Electoral Systems and Democratic Governance
  13. The Power of Political Satire
  14. Globalization and Nationalism
  15. The Impact of Political Scandals on Public Trust

Informative Essay Topics on Culture

  1. Race and LGBTQ Discrimination
  2. Renaissance: Impact on Cultural Movements and Religious Reformations
  3. Freedom of Speech in The United States
  4. The LGBTQ+ Community
  5. Enslaved and Free Black Marriages
  6. Religion and the Renaissance
  7. Hispanic Youth with Alcohol Abuse
  8. Thai Culture and Society
  9. Teenage Pregnancy
  10. Feminism since “Ancient Rome”
  11. Pakistan and Gender Equality
  12. Gender Roles in Society
  13. Child Labor and Somalia
  14. Is Sexual Orientation Determined At Birth?
  15. Race Relations Have Improved in America

Informative Essay Topics for High-School and College Students

  1. Changing nature of the Indian party system
  2. Causes of the Scientific Revolution
  3. Become A Better Speed Reader
  4. Writing Essays For Money
  5. How To Have A Social Life As A Student
  6. Choosing The Best Fraternity/Sorority
  7. College Athletics And How To Get Accepted
  8. Applying For Scholarships
  9. How To Write A Research Paper
  10. Public Relations In The Dorm
  11. Getting The Most Out Of University
  12. Where To Find The Best Student Discounts
  13. The Importance of Time Management for College Success
  14. Effective Study Habits
  15. Navigating College Finances
  16. The Moral Teaching of Paul
  17. Winning arguments even when you’re wrong
  18. What to Expect on the SAT
  19. Grammar Tips For English Class
  20. How To Pass The Driving Test
  21. Implementing Ai In The Classroom
  22. Deciding Which Classes To Take
  23. How To Get Good Grades In Hard Subjects
  24. Career Choices After School
  25. How To Find The Best College
  26. How To Write A Resume
  27. The Benefits of Physical Exercise and Sports for Teenagers
  28. The Importance of Financial Literacy
  29. Exploring Different Career Paths
  30. The Role of Social Media in Teenagers’ Lives

Informative essay topics can help you write a college essay by informing you of the essential facts, ideas, and arguments. Furthermore, they provide an opportunity to think critically, organize a topic from multiple perspectives, and develop an argument that will help you write a compelling and convincing college essay. Moreover, an informative essay topic can allow you to learn about a range of topics, making it easier for you to connect new information to the topic and use it to formulate your essay.

Informative and Surprising Essay Topics

  1. LGBTQ Judaism
  2. Medical Benefits Of Marijuana
  3. Why Are Elephants Afraid Of Bees
  4. The Highest Mountains Are Below Sea Level
  5. Why Do People Believe The World Is Flat
  6. Why Do We Have Different Color Eyes
  7. Abiotic Oil Theory And An Unlimited Supply Of Fuel
  8. The Subconscious And Why We Dream
  9. Microbes And The Benefits They Provide
  10. Advanced Technology In The Ancient World
  11. How Computer Technology Derived From Music
  12. The Science Behind Laughter
  13. The Surprising History of Chocolate
  14. The Incredible World of Microorganisms
  15. The Fascinating Life of Honeybees

Easy Informative Ideas For Essay

  1. Choosing The Best Birthday Gift
  2. The Best Ways To Tie A Knot
  3. Throwing A Great Party
  4. Best Ideas For Date Night
  5. Current And Emerging Fashion Trends
  6. Game Of Thrones Explained In 1,000 Words
  7. Process Of Buying A Car
  8. Taking Care Of A Pet
  9. What To Look For With Opening A Bank Account
  10. Growing A Home Garden
  11. The Benefits of Regular Exercise
  12. Tips for Effective Time Management
  13. The Importance of a Balanced Diet
  14. The Basics of Internet Safety
  15. The Importance of Recycling
  16. Facts of Gender Roles
  17. Platonic Dualism in ‘Allegory of the Cave’
  18. How Bees Build Their Nests
  19. Sustaining Life On Neighboring Planets
  20. The Process Of Converting Seawater To Drinking Water
  21. Building A Net Positive With Solar Panels
  22. Deciphering The Laws Of Thermodynamics
  23. Why Does Lightning Exist?
  24. The Best Hand Sanitizer And Why
  25. How Things Are Made
  26. Alternative History, what if England won the Revolution
  27. How to Live as a Survivalist
  28. The Rise of Cryptocurrencies
  29. Sustainable Fashion
  30. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

How to Start Conducting Research

Like any other essay, you must gather the required information for your work through research. Creating a concept map with words and phrases connected with your central topic is a good idea. This will help you stay focused on the main aspects of your paper. Ensure you only use reliable websites, books, and articles to impart accurate information. Also, it is useful to note valuable citations and research details, not to overlook important facts. As soon as you have all the material wrapped up, it is time to structure it and bring it into the presentable form.

Steps to Writing a Successful Informative Essay

This section discloses the key stages of writing a successful, informative essay. The precondition for this step is that the topic title is defined and extensive research has been done. Now, you have a package of information you need to order and provide a smooth transition between sections in your paper.

An informative essay must have an introductory part that leads the reader to the key point of the composition. And you should know how to write an informative essay introduction to entice the reader’s interest from the very beginning. If you don’t have enough time for writing, you can always reach out to our support team and say, “write my essay please,” and we will get it done. Our writers are always ready to help.


There are many benefits to creating an informative essay outline:

  • It helps to organize your thoughts and ideas before you begin writing.
  • It gives others insight into what your research is about by including background information, sources, and conclusions.
  • It provides an opportunity to share your work with others in a way that they can understand.

1. Thesis statement

Many students question how to write a thesis statement for an informative essay. And we will help you understand it in a brief explanation. A thesis plays an important role. It helps focus a reader’s attention on the essay’s purpose. It should comprise the key facts. Make sure to provide not a too-long thesis statement but a short and accurate one.

If you can create a proper thesis statement, it would serve as a guideline for your analysis. Aside from that, an informative essay thesis must not be persuasive but highlight what will come to the reader.

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2. Introduction

An introduction represents a summary of what you will reveal in your essay. The question of how to write an introduction for an informative essay is among those challenges bothering students. To solve it, you should consider how to make it engaging and captivating. Also, include your informative essay thesis statement in an introduction. Thus, your reader will be curious and eager to continue reading your essay.

3. Body paragraphs

In this part of your essay, you must reveal the main message. To make it more organized, divide the general information into a few paragraphs, for example, three. Each paragraph must be easy-to-read and contain details you aim to share on the topic. In academic writing, using only reliable sources to make your essay unique is crucial. So it would be best if you took proper time while researching.

4. Conclusion

The summarizing part of an essay is a conclusion, and you should know how to write a conclusion for an informative essay. It might be the content of the 5th paragraph of a paper. It leads an essay to summarize the hot points mentioned in the body. In this section, you should revise the essay’s purpose again but from another angle.

Tips for Writing an Informative Essay

Provide your plan well, select an appropriate topic, and know the informative essay structure – all these steps will make your essay writing process more manageable. If you know how to write a 500 word essay, composing a proper informative essay will be easy. However, we listed some tips that might help you in writing a proper informative essay:

  • Dive into the instructions for your assignment
  • Think of the unique essay title
  • Make sure you do an extensive research
  • Create an impressive thesis statement
  • Create an outline
  • Make your introduction catchy
  • Write each body paragraph with contents from trusted sources
  • Do not include any information in the conclusion previously not stated in the body

An informative essay can be a great way to educate readers on a particular topic. The key to writing a successful essay is to provide clear and concise information without overwhelming the reader. PapersOwl can provide you with the necessary guidance to ensure that your informative essay is of the highest standard and contains only accurate and up-to-date information.

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What I Need to Avoid While Writing an Informative Essay

Writing a standard informative essay also involves a range of points better to avoid. Among them are:

  • Avoid including supporting evidence. This makes your work poorly informative and less argumentative.
  • Be cautious about using persuasive words and phrases.
  • Don’t allow repetition of your thoughts and information at large to happen. Unless it is necessary to connect the dots, there is no need to mention any point more than once.

Knowing how to write an informative essay will be useful to you academically and professionally. Even though it appears difficult, learning the appropriate tips for writing it and utilizing the skills of experts will help you get through it.

Knowing how to write an informative essay will be helpful to you academically and professionally. Even though it is difficult, learning the appropriate tips for writing it and benefiting from experts’ skills will enable you to get through it.

Writing this type of essay requires you to pass information through the reader without persuasion. However, it would help if you learned how to catch readers’ interest using appropriate thesis statements. By following simple insights, you will get a successful, informative essay.

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