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How to Write a Great Persuasive Essay

Written by Sarina Jones
Posted: September 27, 2021
Last update date: May 23, 2024
7 min read

Table of contents

Would you like to write a persuasive essay that will be used as a perfect example of a persuasive essay for others? Composing memorable writing takes skills that everyone can learn by reading this guide. We’ll lead you through the process of informing and convincing your readers.

Upon finishing this article, you’ll:

  • Learn how to write a persuasive essay introduction, body, and conclusion;
  • Get expert tips to improve your paper strength;
  • Learn techniques that will improve your essay’s argument;
  • Know how to pick words that clearly convey your point;
  • Discover how to balance the general mood of your essay by combining facts and emotions.

As the clock is ticking and submission deadlines are drawing near, let’s move on to the parts that will improve your ability to write persuasive essays.

Key Features and Objectives of Persuasive Essays

A persuasive essay is a unique writing that tries to persuade the reader to think differently about a subject. Take a look at the following salient qualities of persuasive essays:

  • Emotional Appeal: You can craft an engaging story beyond bare facts by establishing a connection with your audience. Arouse the reader’s emotions. Use powerful words like “love” and “safety,” which resonate deeply, influencing feelings and decisions.
  • Strong Evidence: It’s vital to provide a solid base for your argument. Strengthen your claims with compelling words such as “results” and “proven,” which emphasize the reliability and effectiveness of your evidence. As a result, your essay becomes more compelling and credible.
  • Clearly Stated Opinion: Have a well-defined opinion. The thesis statement, or key concept, should point your opinion in an essay to the reader.

These elements work together to compel the reader to view things your way and, ideally, adopt this viewpoint. Persuasive writing not only spreads ideas but also motivates action by influencing opinions.

Persuasive vs. Argumentative Essays: What Is the Difference?

Even though both persuasive and argumentative essays want to convince the reader, they differ in their goals, how they sound, and how they introduce evidence and talk to the audience.


Persuasive essays try to make readers agree by appealing to emotions, convictions, or moral principles. The primary objective is to connect with the reader and help them comprehend the writer’s point of view. In contrast, argumentative essays focus on rational, logical arguments backed by factual evidence.


The tone in persuasive essays often involves more emotional language to connect with the reader on a personal level. Phrases like “imagine if” or “picture this” can be used to draw readers into a scenario, making it feel real and urgent. On the other hand, argumentative essays use a more formal and detached tone, relying on an objective presentation of facts.

Use of Evidence

Persuasive essays often incorporate emotional appeals to connect more deeply with the reader. Effective types of emotional evidence include:

  • Personal Stories: Engage the reader by sharing real-life experiences.
  • Anecdotes: Provide short, impactful examples to illustrate points.
  • Metaphors: Use symbolic language to create vivid comparisons.
  • Passionate Language: Employ emotionally charged words to enhance persuasion.
  • Rhetorical Questions: Pose questions to provoke thought without needing an actual answer.
  • Figurative Language: Use similes and other figures of speech to emphasize and embellish points.

Argumentative essays rely on logic and evidence to substantiate claims. Key forms of rational evidence include:

  • Statistical Data: Present numbers to support arguments quantitatively.
  • Credible Sources: Cite established authorities to add validity.
  • Expert Opinions: Include insights from individuals recognized in their fields.
  • Documented Instances: Reference specific cases or examples that illustrate your point.
  • Historical Evidence: Use past events to establish context and precedent.

Approach to the Audience

All types of essay writing have a different strategy for reaching their audience. Persuasive essays attempt to understand, predict, and influence the reader’s emotions, using direct and engaging language.

In argumentative essays, the audience approach is akin to formulating a coherent case in a formal context. The author works on logical arguments and avoids any prejudice or skepticism motivated by feelings, as well as transitions in argumentative essays for a smoother flow.

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How Does the Structure of a Persuasive Essay Look?

A persuasive essay follows a defined format. Basic persuasive essays typically consist of five paragraphs. In the introduction’s first paragraph, you introduce your topic and state your thesis. The next three paragraphs, known as the body, are where you present your evidence and arguments. Finally, in the last paragraph, the conclusion, you summarize your argument and urge the reader to take action. Keep it simple and clear so everyone can easily understand

Developing a well-crafted outline for a persuasive essay before writing helps arrange ideas and guarantees a logical flow. As a result, your persuasive essay structure will guide the audience through your thoughts, increase the essay’s receptive quality, and aid in gaining interest among readers.

Write a Captivating Introduction

Every writer knows that starting your persuasive essay outline with an engaging hook is essential. This applies to your introductory paragraph as well. Think of an engaging hook as a movie teaser. Movie teasers are intriguing enough to captivate your readers, but not overwhelming. Achieving a balance between being informative and engaging is key; don’t assume your readers grasp everything. Use a relevant quote or a compelling statistic as your introduction hook.

Begin with a compelling hook that grabs attention. Consider using:

  • An Intriguing Question: Pose a thought-provoking question to pique curiosity.
  • A Surprising Statistic: Share a statistic that highlights the urgency or importance of the topic.
  • A Relevant Quote: Use a quote that reflects the central theme of your essay and inspires readers.
  • A Vivid Anecdote: Tell a brief, engaging story that sets up your argument or shows why the topic is relevant.

Give Background Details

After using a hook, it’s time to give some context. Present an overview of the subject and any background knowledge that may be required. Remain succinct: you are not looking to overpower the reader with details just yet.

State Your Thesis Statement

Conclude your introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement. This statement should:

  • Assert Your Position: Clearly express your stance on the topic, ensuring it is debatable and substantial.
  • Guide the Reader: Serve as a roadmap for the arguments you will present in the body of your essay.

Your persuasive essay’s thesis statement is your main point, the core, clear idea you’re arguing. For a relatable write-up, keep it clear and direct. Use real examples to support your claim, making it relatable. Your thesis statement should engage readers immediately, guiding them into your argument. Think of it as a roadmap, outlining your stance without confusion.

A persuasive thesis grabs attention and clearly states your position, setting the tone for your entire write-up. In your introduction, the thesis statement should be one of the final sentences. Your thesis statement should aim at explaining your essay’s purpose from your point of view. Afterward, use information from reliable sources. Consider also adding a call to action to support your argument.

Consider your essay’s introductory paragraph as its doorway. Since it’s the first part of your persuasive paper outline the reader will see, it has to spark their interest. Let’s look at some advice on how to build a strong essay opening.

The Secrets of an Effective Body Paragraph

In the heart of your persuasive essay lie its body paragraphs. Here, your arguments find a voice, and evidence bolsters your stance. Let’s explore how to construct these paragraphs effectively:

  • Topic Sentence: Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea you will discuss. This sentence should link back to your thesis statement and outline the argument you’ll expand upon in the paragraph.
  • Supporting Details: Use a mix of evidence to back up your claims. This could include:
    • Statistical Data: Quantify your argument with relevant numbers.
    • Expert Testimony: Bring in perspectives from authorities in the field to add credibility.
    • Examples and Anecdotes: Concrete examples and personal stories can make your argument more relatable and emotionally appealing.
  • Persuasive Techniques: Enhance your argument by including persuasive language elements such as:
    • Powerful Adjectives and Verbs: Choose words that convey strong emotions or action to persuade your audience.
    • Rhetorical Questions: Use these to challenge the reader’s thinking and engage them more deeply in the topic.
    • Direct Address: Occasionally speak directly to the reader to make your argument more personal and urgent.
  • Concluding Sentence: Each paragraph should end with a sentence that summarizes the main point discussed and leads smoothly into the next paragraph. This helps maintain the flow of your essay and reinforces the cohesion between your arguments.
  • Transitions: Employ transitional phrases to ensure a smooth progression from one paragraph to the next. Phrases like “furthermore,” “moreover,” and “however,” help maintain the rhythm of your narrative and clarify the relationships between your points.

Counterargument in Persuasive Essay

In the heart of your essay, the body paragraphs, your arguments come to life. Every paragraph is vital to your reader’s conviction. Let’s explore the nuances of writing a convincing body paragraph.

Making Point

Verify the logic of each paragraph’s arguments. Start off a persuasive essay with a statement that describes the primary idea. Add sentences that clarify and present proof to back up this statement. Your reader will easily follow your thinking process if you use this strategy.

Presenting Facts

Support your claims with evidence. Use numbers to increase trustworthiness, expert perspectives to support your position, and real-life instances to make your persuasive arguments less abstract. When your ideas are well supported, your essay persuades readers that what you’re saying is true.

Connecting With Emotions

‘The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing,’ said Blaise Pascal. You might craft a thousand arguments, but the charm of a single good joke will capture your reader’s heart. Use jokes or vibrant vocabulary to connect with your audience emotionally and make your arguments memorable in the art of speaking and writing persuasively.

How to Finish a Persuasive Essay

The concluding statement for your persuasive essay holds great importance within your arguments and evidence. It acts as a concise summary, encapsulating your main points. Keep it clear and straightforward, ensuring your primary argument is easily comprehensible. Avoid lengthy sentences, use transition sentences, and never introduce new information. Your conclusion should align with the body of your essay, maintaining consistency in tone and content.

Maintaining a clear connection to your thesis and main arguments is key. This way, you get to emphasize your central point without ambiguity. An essay should include a conclusion that inspires readers to stand up and applaud. Here are the main points on how to properly conclude your essay:

  • Summarize your essay’s primary points. Bring up the key aspects and supporting data that you have provided throughout.
  • Restate your thesis for a persuasive essay in a new light. Sum up the main ideas you tried to get across in your work.
  • Finish with an interesting quote. It can be a thought-provoking question, a call to action, or a reflection on how your persuasive essay topics for college connect to other important ideas.
  • Don’t introduce new concepts in your final chapter. It is not the place for new arguments, ideas, or information. Otherwise, start to write the next parts of the persuasive essay immediately!

A well-structured persuasive essay outline template is essential. It helps you avoid pitfalls, especially when you examine concepts from your point of view. Sticking to an essay outline is one surefire way to ensure a coherent academic paper. Consider professional essay writing services to assist with outlining. They’ll help you save time and improve your essay’s format. Professional writers offer a streamlined approach that allows you to present supporting facts with arguments and evidence in your essay.

Example of Outline for Persuasive Essay

Here, we provide you with a template that makes your writing seamless. A structure simplifies what might seem like a cumbersome process, making your writing more straightforward.

Here’s a persuasive essay outline example:


✏️Template for body paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: My first reason for supporting ________________ is ________________.

Paragraph 2: Another reason for my position on  ________________ is ________________.

Paragraph 3: Another perspective may argue that  ________________, but I disagree because ________________.

This structured approach simplifies the process. This also applies when it comes to generating persuasive essay outline examples. You’ll find your persuasive writing process more direct. Follow this outline for a high-quality persuasive essay so you can excel in various contexts. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a contest, application paper, or debate.

Remember, the best persuasive essay reflects your beliefs. It should be a well-documented expression of your opinions. Make sure you stay concise and let your words resonate with clarity to convince the reader. Your persuasive essay will shine and engage your audience.

Top 10 Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Once you realize how to write a persuasive essay structure, you’ll manage to create it quickly and efficiently. We’ve gathered all the necessary information and general steps to convince the audience of your credibility and gain your reader’s favor. Consider the following steps for writing a persuasive essay:

Create a Strong Title

Make an impressive title for your persuasive essay by emphasizing the key point, arousing curiosity, and employing impactful words. Aim for the best impression, be straightforward, and consider tone.

Share Your Audience’s Interests

To establish a connection, find topics your audience is interested in or can relate to. Talk about the experiences and beliefs that each person has. Show respect to those who have different points of view. They are far more likely to comprehend and concur with your text when you create a bridge between your thoughts and theirs.

Use Language and Rhetorical Devices

The use of rhetorical devices in writing increases its persuasiveness. These language techniques make your text stylish and help to explain ideas. Alliteration, hyperbole, similes, and metaphors are a few examples.

Successful rhetorical arguments combine three essential elements of a persuasive essay:

  1. Ethos uses ethical principles to establish trust.
  2. Logos builds a solid basis for your argument through the use of logic.
  3. Pathos draws on emotional reasoning to arouse feelings and form a bond. If you want to reach a deeper connection with your readers, add pathos to an essay.

Making use of these tools strengthens your message. Additionally, try active words and phrases to persuade people, keep them interested, and make your point stick in their minds.

Integrate References and Citations

Incorporating proof from reliable sources to support your ideas is key to knowing how to write a persuasive essay effectively. Readers are likelier to believe you, and expert judgment lends credibility to your viewpoint.

In addition to acknowledging the original sources, proper citations assist you in avoiding plagiarism. Citations are a great way to honor and recognize other people’s ideas.

Avoid Fallacies

Just one violation of the logical sequence or any other error you write in a convincing essay, the reader no longer believes your words. It sounds unfair, but this is the sad truth: fallacies can doubt the information you provide. To be convincing, rely only on solid justifications and direct evidence.

Employ Storytelling

Who doesn’t like to read a good story? Tell about your or someone’s adventure, and share a funny anecdote or an instructive incident with your audience. It engages readers emotionally and gets the thoughts out of their heads about how long a persuasive essay is. Using storytelling, you establish a connection and transform your message from words into an experience.

To add a personal touch to your story, employ the first-person perspective. It invites the reader to join you on a unique journey and to see the case through your eyes.

Try Persuasive Techniques

Your ideas will have more flair and effect if you use persuasive techniques. Let’s take a look at three effective ones:

  • Rhetorical Questions: Ask questions that don’t require an answer. It grabs attention and makes readers consider what you’ve said. For example, “Did you notice how…” or “Ever thought about what would happen if…”.
  • Rebuttal: To support your position, respond to criticisms. Recognize opposing viewpoints and provide a counterargument for why yours is stronger. For example, you want to refute the argument that eating healthy is expensive. Your counterargument may look like “While choosing healthier food options may initially cost a little more, long-term gains greatly exceed the initial outlay.”
  • Call to Action: Attract readers to accept your point of view or do something. Drive someone to act, reflect, or think about a concept you’ve provided in your persuasive argument essay. For example, ‘Break the silence now! Later, you will thank yourself.’

Don’t Depend Too Much on Emotion

What a persuasive essay needs is balance. If you do not want to make your essay a drama novel, balance emotion and evidence. While the emotional aspect captivates the audience, having supporting data for your claims gives them greater trust.

Ensure facts or expert opinions support all emotional appeals. By striking a balance, you can avoid writing your essay just based on your emotions. Instead, you get a custom persuasive essay with a compelling story that appeals to the reader’s intellect and sentiments.

Stay Focused

Imagine you started contemplating the Napoleon era, only to conclude a persuasive essay with the unexpected subject of fur costs in Hawaii. Such a change damages your original intent and confuses the reader. By reviewing your thesis repeatedly, you make sure each section makes sense concerning your main point.

Edit And Make a Persuasive Essay Format

Have you recently completed your essay and found it too long to read over again? Take a deep breath, because making edits turns your essay into a well-written, convincing composition. Your work gets elevated during the polishing process, which makes it more comprehensible and persuasive for your readers.

Still not sure about editing? Papersowl.com can be a valuable resource for crafting a persuasive essay, providing a well-structured argument and evidence to support your point of view. With experienced writers, you can trust that your paper will be carefully written with a focus on detail and precision.

Transition Words as Part of a Persuasive Sentence

Similarly to persuasive words, transition words play a crucial role in persuasive writing, seamlessly guiding readers from one idea to the next. These interesting words are one of the most powerful components of persuasive texts and persuasive essay essentials, which act as a bridge, ensuring a smooth flow of thoughts and arguments and enhancing the coherence and persuasiveness of the text.

By using transitional speech phrases such as “furthermore,” “in addition,” and “more importantly” in persuasive language, writers can emphasize key points, reinforce their arguments, and lead the reader toward a compelling conclusion. In persuasive writing strategies, these small power words enable a stronger connection with the audience, making the message clearer and more convincing.

Phrases to Introduce Your Topic

Introducing your topic effectively is vital in persuasive speech writing, captivating your audience from the outset. Here are four powerful phrases as persuasive language examples:

“Did you know that…”

Ex 1: Did you know that approximately 8 million metric tons of plastic are in the oceans yearly? That’s a no brainer!

Ex 2: Did you know that a copy machine, also known as a photocopier, was invented by Chester Carlson in 1938?

“Imagine if…”

Ex 1: Imagine if we could harness solar energy to power entire cities, reducing our carbon footprint dramatically.

Ex 2: Imagine if small businesses thrived with enhanced support, powering local economies and fostering innovation.

“Picture this…”

Ex 1: Picture this: A skilled writer effortlessly weaves persuasive sentences through powerful strategies to make words that persuade the reader with finesse, generating better results.

Ex 2: Picture this: persuasive language words can sway minds and shape opinions.

“Have you ever wondered…”

Ex 1: Have you ever wondered how the power of persuasion can make a person feel special and valued?

Ex 2: Have you ever wondered how the most persuasive words on a page can sense and speak to the reader’s deepest desires?

Employing these engaging persuasive phrases will help you with persuasive essay writing, piquing curiosity, inciting reflection, and laying the groundwork for a compelling argument that captivates your readers and leaves a lasting impact.

Phrases to Introduce Evidence

In persuasive writing, evidence plays a huge role, a vital role in supporting claims convincingly. These persuasive essay words and phrases strategies enhance the impact of your evidence:

“For instance…”

Ex 1: The new educational program yielded impressive results; for instance, student attendance increased by 20%.

Ex 2: Persuasive words and phrases can be incredibly influential; for instance, they can sway opinions and inspire action.

“For example…”

Ex 1: Many countries have successfully implemented universal healthcare, for example, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Ex 2: Modern technology has transformed communication, for example, social media platforms.


Ex 1: The survey identified multiple concerns, specifically inadequate public transportation and rising housing costs.

Ex 2: The study focused on specific age groups, specifically teenagers between 14 and 18.

“In particular…”

Ex 1: People are often drawn to the word free and, in particular, “free stuff” because of the enticing sense of getting something without cost.

Ex 2: The book with words in the English language explored multiple themes, in particular, emphasizing challenges faced by marginalized communities.


Ex 1: The point of persuasion, namely captivating the reader’s attention, is to entice them with the idea of receiving something for free and ultimately influence their decision.

Ex 2: The seminar covered various topics, namely climate change and sustainable agriculture.

“Such as…”

Ex 1: Many fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as oranges, an excellent source of vitamin C.

Ex 2: Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, are gaining popularity.

Phrases to Introduce an Example

Effectively introducing examples of persuasive words for essays enriches your arguments. Here are six phrases with powerful writing and persuasive sentences examples for concise illustration:

“For example…”

Ex 1: For example, in a debate course, the point is to develop compelling arguments that leave no room for any excuse.

Ex 2: Athletes achieve greatness through dedication. For example, Serena Williams earned numerous Grand Slam titles.


Ex 1: Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, thus, reducing heart disease risk.

Ex 2: Proper waste management promotes sustainability, thus, safeguarding ecosystems.

“As an example…”

Ex 1: Volunteer work offers valuable experiences; as an example, community clean-ups foster civic responsibility.

Ex 2: Learning a new language enhances human cognition; as an example, it improves memory.

“In the instance of…”

Ex 1: In the instance of severe weather, robust disaster preparedness ensures safety.

Ex 2: In the instance of water scarcity, rainwater harvesting becomes crucial.

“In other words…”

Ex 1: The funding supports educational programs, in other words, enhancing student experiences.

Ex 2: The marketing campaign aims to boost brand visibility; in other words, increase awareness.

“To illustrate…”

Ex1: To illustrate deforestation’s impact, compare forested and eroded regions.

Ex 2: Complex projects require diverse collaboration to illustrate teamwork’s significance.

Phrases to Make Suggestions

To convey suggestions effectively, consider using these phrases:

“To this end…”

Ex 1: To this end, implement a recycling program to promote environmental sustainability.

Ex 2: The project aims to improve community health. To this end, invest in accessible healthcare facilities.

“Keeping this in mind…”

Ex 1: Keeping this in mind, incorporate mindfulness practices in the workplace to reduce stress.

Ex 2: Keeping this in mind, students’ diverse learning needs should be considered before designing the curriculum.

“For this purpose…”

Ex 1: For this purpose, introduce workshops and training sessions to enhance employee engagement.

Ex 2: For this purpose, repurpose an unused area for a dedicated brainstorming space to foster creativity.


Ex 1: The current system faces inefficiencies; therefore, implement automation to enhance efficiency.

Ex 2: The study indicates potential risks; therefore, explore sustainable production approaches.

Phrases to Transition Between Information

To maintain a smooth flow of information, utilize these phrases:


Ex 1: The study found significant improvements in reading skills. Also, students demonstrated increased confidence in-class participation.

Ex 2: The company invested in renewable energy. Also, they implemented sustainable packaging practices.


Ex 1: The research supports the hypothesis. Furthermore, it highlights potential applications in real-world scenarios.

Ex 2: The initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions. Furthermore, it encourages community engagement in environmental conservation.


Ex 1: The project achieved its primary goals. Additionally, it garnered positive feedback from stakeholders.

Ex 2: The program promotes healthy eating habits. Additionally, it offers personalized fitness plans to participants.


Ex 1: The preliminary data suggest positive outcomes. However, further research is required to draw definitive conclusions.

Ex 2: The product received positive customer reviews. However, there is still room for improvement based on feedback.

Phrases to Contrast Points

To highlight contrasts between points, consider using these transition words for compare and contrast:

“On the other hand…”

Ex 1: The study supports the new hypothesis. On the other hand, previous research suggests alternative interpretations.

Ex 2: The company increased profits through cost-cutting measures. On the other hand, employee satisfaction declined.

“In spite of…”

Ex 1: In spite of challenging circumstances, the project was completed ahead of schedule.

Ex 2: In spite of financial constraints, the company launched an innovative advertising campaign.


Ex 1: The product received positive feedback, yet, sales did not meet expectations.

Ex 2: She excels in verbal arguments and public speaking, yet her ability to write is equally impressive.

Phrases for Conclusions and Summarizing

To make a conclusion in an argumentative essay effectively, consider using these convincing words for persuasive writing:

“With this in mind…”

Ex 1: With this in mind, it is crucial to prioritize environmental conservation efforts to ensure a sustainable future.

Ex 2: Effective time management is essential for productivity. With this in mind, individuals should spend less time idle talking and strive to prioritize tasks and set clear goals.

“As a result of…”

Ex 1: As a result of the implementation of energy-saving measures, electricity consumption was significantly reduced.

Ex 2: The research findings were groundbreaking, and as a result of this discovery, new treatment options can be explored.

“Because of this…”

Ex 1: The project team demonstrated exceptional collaboration, and because of this, they achieved remarkable outcomes.

Ex 2: The funding cuts affected educational programs, and because of this, students’ access to resources was limited.

“For this reason…”

Ex 1: The safety measures were upgraded in the workplace in a limited time, for this reason, ensuring a secure working environment for employees.

Ex 2: The data analysis revealed concerning trends in line, and for this reason, further investigation is warranted.

The Final Secret Of Good Persuasive Essays

To sum up, convincing essays require an appealing story, skillful persuasion techniques, and editing for clarity. Now, to write truly well, remember to use both active and passive voice in equal measure. “I did it” is an example of a persuasive essay written in a clear and direct active voice. Saying “It was done by me” in the passive voice gives your sentence additional meaning and depth.

Understanding when to apply each voice helps you write clearly and wisely. Therefore, experiment with both voices to create essays that persuade and remain in the reader’s memory forever. Or, at least, until you get the best grade!

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